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WhatIsTheMatrix.IT – Il Sito Italiano su Matrix

WhatIsTheMatrix.IT – Il Sito Italiano su Matrix

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Dialogo inedito! Per la serie cosa si trova su internet..

Will Ferrel:
Hello. I've been waiting for you three.

Whoa are you'

Yeah, who are you'

Will Ferrel:
I am... The Architect. But please, call me Larry.

Hey, Larry!

Will Ferrel:
I created the Matrix, and several popular videogames, including Cubert, and Dick-Duck. I did not create Frogger, but I did think of the name for it. Can you believe they wanted to call it, "Highway-Crossing Frog"'

That is so lame!

Will Ferrel:
I know. It's the lamest thing I've ever heard of! Highway-Crossing Frog.

Why am I here'

Yeah, why are we here'

Will Ferrel:
Is there and echo in here'
*Is there and echo in here'*
The MTV Movie Awards are a sustemic anomoly inherant to the programming of the Matrix. Although the transport process has altered your consciousness, you remain, eravicabtly, human. Ergo, concordantly, vis-a-vis... You know what' I have no idea what the hell I'm saying. I just thought it'd make me sound cool.

You haven't answered my question.

Will Ferrel:
I'm feeling a little vulnerable right now, so yoùre just going to have to chill out. Hm' Can you do that' I'd appreciate that. Thank you. Now, originally, Neo was the chosen one to host the show, but, hosting is a full-time commitment, and hès been a little distracted lately.


Will Ferrel:
See what I'm talching about' That's why I brought in Sean and Justin: Because you, my friend, are completely pussy-whipped.



Will Ferrel:
Watch the sass, Captain Sassy-Pants.

Yeah, yoùre chinda spazzing out, dude.

You haven't answered my question.

Will Ferrel:
Yes I did, for you see--

You haven't answered my question.

Will Ferrel:
I'm trying! You just have to let me talk now!

Why am I here'

Will Ferrel:
Ugh... Would you shut up'

You won't let it--

Will Ferrel:
No, YOU won't let it! I'm the one who talks! Okay, mouth shut, ears open!

You haven't answered my--

Will Ferrel:
You do NOT want to see me get out of this chair! Ergo open your yapper one more time, and I'm gonna architect a world of pain all over your candy a**! ERGO! VIS-A-VIS!

Yoùre no--

Will Ferrel:


Will Ferrel:
I apologize. I don't usually like to use my big voice.

That's okay, dog, just tell us how to get to the movie awards.

Will Ferrel:
There are two doors. The door on your left leads sissy-boy here back to his bitch. The door on your right leads you to the 2003 MTV Movie Awards. And the mini-door is for Muffin to go out and piddel.

*looks down*

Will Ferrel:
*snaps fingers* What, hey' Uh-uh, uh-uh, hey! No. You are bizarre...

*exiting* Thanks, Lare!

Will Ferrel:
Don't mention it. Oh, and hey: go host the sh*t out of that show.

*exiting* If I were you--

Will Ferrel:
Bite your tongue! Bite it!

I would hope that we don't meet again.

Will Ferrel:
Why did you say that' I told you to shut up. I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! *tackles*

Credo sia una scenetta dai 2003 Mtv movie awards.. :funny:

Puoi scaricare il filmato nella sezione downloads 😉

Puoi scaricare il filmato nella sezione downloads 😉

🙄 capacità medianiche'

C'è il filmato anche nello speciale del DVD de Matrix Reloaded! 😉

strabella l'intro agli MTV awards

è vero. è nel DVD di Matrix Reloaded

All "Matrix" related material is property of Village Roadshow Film Ltd. and Warner Bros. - a Time Warner Entertainment company
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