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In Remembrance of Sharred...

It is my sad duty to announce that Leka Kunthea, the player known to many Enumerator players as "Sharred", passed away earlier today from self inflicted wounds. As one who knew her, all though in a limited capacity, she was a chind, brilliant and strong young woman who stood firm for what she believed in.

If you would like, you may leave your condolences here and I'll be sure that her family receives them.


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si, avevo già letto estesamente di questa triste cosa...

Scusate , mi sono dimenticato di postare che questa storia è tutta una grossa bufala:

Okay, this is just wrong on so many levels.

My name is Leka Kunthea, and I'm alive. My sister and I went up to the mountians for two days, and I come back to find that the entire MxO community thinks I'm dead.

All I know is that someone I trusted dearly was able to come onto my computer and make up a bunch of crap....

You have no idea how horrible I feel about all of this. Reading all these threads makes me cry relentlessly...if nothing else, it makes me realize how glad I truly am to be alive.

I am sooooo sorry for scaring you all. I truly am. I don't think yoùll be able to forgive me, and I know this just has "attention whore" written all over it. I guess you can believe what you want. I can't control that. All I can really say is, once again...

I'm so sorry for scaring you all.

To clarify:

That note was in fact written by me...about 3.5 months ago.
On Monday night, I truly was on the verge of suicide. My sister and I decided to take a small getaway to our favorite spot in the mountains. It's absolutely beautiful this time of the year. Reading these has given me a new outlook on what it means to be alive.

I guess you could theorize that someone did this with the intention of changing my outlook on life...but it's still absolutely sick....I really didn't want you all to think I was gone. I'm truly sorry.


Leka Kunthea, a.k.a. Sharred


ma lol
chissà come si sara sentita nel leggere ke tutta la community la pensava morta


robe da matti comunque

allucinante... ma non è la prima volta che sento di bufale del genere, purtroppo...

Ad ogni modo, bufala o meno, è stato bello vedere come la comunità di Vector si sia tutta stretta intorno ad un evento del genere....ovviamente non mancavano gli idioti che approfittavano in chiesa per uccidere lowbie...ma io come altri ci siamo preoccupati subito di farli smettere...e non a parole...yay!!! :muoriii:

Cmq, bentornata Sharred, è da un pò che non ti pikchio... :ahaha:

ma lol....

Il fu Leka Kunthea

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