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WhatIsTheMatrix.IT – Il Sito Italiano su Matrix
WhatIsTheMatrix.IT – Il Sito Italiano su MatrixHome // Forum
Installare l'External Playtest Server
Cita da Nemack su 6 Gennaio 2006, 19:07infatti, non penso proprio che si mettano a sbilanciare cosi tanto le classi....
infatti, non penso proprio che si mettano a sbilanciare cosi tanto le classi....
Cita da bongo su 9 Gennaio 2006, 23:22Jes giravano voci a mara c su vector che stanotte o domani mettono su il QA..tu che sei uno inserito di brutto e sei vicino di casa di Walrus, ne sai niente (se domani mettono il QA e in contemporanea Stiv Giobs annuncia i Mac X86 mi segno il giorno sul calendario)
Jes giravano voci a mara c su vector che stanotte o domani mettono su il QA..tu che sei uno inserito di brutto e sei vicino di casa di Walrus, ne sai niente (se domani mettono il QA e in contemporanea Stiv Giobs annuncia i Mac X86 mi segno il giorno sul calendario)
Cita da Jestas su 10 Gennaio 2006, 0:04io non faccio altro che leggere le notizie sul sito e forum ufficiale ^_^ e al momento non si dice niente, ma non mi meraviglierei, sarebbe pure ora
io non faccio altro che leggere le notizie sul sito e forum ufficiale ^_^ e al momento non si dice niente, ma non mi meraviglierei, sarebbe pure ora
Cita da Jestas su 10 Gennaio 2006, 5:12bene, ho scovato la conferma dei rumours http://mxoboards.station.sony.com/matrix/board/message'board.id=epdiscussion&message.id=1 non l'hanno gridato troppo forte forse per evitare casini col server, ma fatto sta che, se tutto va bene, oggi pomeriggio avremo il test server con l'update 40! PIATTO RICCO!
bene, ho scovato la conferma dei rumours http://mxoboards.station.sony.com/matrix/board/message'board.id=epdiscussion&message.id=1 non l'hanno gridato troppo forte forse per evitare casini col server, ma fatto sta che, se tutto va bene, oggi pomeriggio avremo il test server con l'update 40! PIATTO RICCO!
Cita da Nemack su 10 Gennaio 2006, 11:11bene bene, non vedo l'ora di mettere le mani su questa CR2.0
bene bene, non vedo l'ora di mettere le mani su questa CR2.0
Cita da Silyn su 10 Gennaio 2006, 13:30Finalmente..
eheh...non vedo l'ora anchio
eheh...non vedo l'ora anchio
Cita da Adam_Burton su 10 Gennaio 2006, 18:39bisogna ripetere la procedura del copychar oppure non serve'!'!
bisogna ripetere la procedura del copychar oppure non serve'!'!
Cita da SajghO su 10 Gennaio 2006, 18:50Una volta fatto il /copychar con esito positivo sei a cavallo Adam...
...oppure sullo snowboard "Burton" 😆 😆 😆
Una volta fatto il /copychar con esito positivo sei a cavallo Adam...
...oppure sullo snowboard "Burton" 😆 😆 😆
Cita da Adam_Burton su 10 Gennaio 2006, 20:07speriamo a cavallo proprio no, meglio un pony... altrimenti chi ci riesce a salire su'!'!'
Grazie prode Sajgho :ok:
speriamo a cavallo proprio no, meglio un pony... altrimenti chi ci riesce a salire su'!'!'
Grazie prode Sajgho :ok:
Cita da Hagakure193c su 10 Gennaio 2006, 20:28Via con le notizie ufficiali:
Where can I see the numbers I'm 'rolling' during combat'
While the mid-screen display of your combat numbers has been removed, you can still see your and your opponent's 'rolls' in the chat log.
Can I still use the WASD keys to select combat tactics'
No, the WASD keys are now for movement only. However, since combat tactics have been added to the hotbar, you can use the associated hotbar keys to select your current tactic, along with Abilities and Special Attacks.
How do I use Melee Free Attacks'
Your Melee Free Attacks work just like Ranged Free Attacks; you select a Melee Style from the Free Attack dropdown to use a Melee Free Attack or a ranged weaThe Matrix: Path of Neoto use a Ranged Free Attack.
To use a Melee Free Attack:
Select a Melee Style in your Free Attack dropdown list (far right of the hotbar, mapped to the '=' key).
Move within 2 meters of your target.
Click the Free Attack button on the hotbar or press '=' on the keyboard.
What is a combat Style'The easiest way to understand combat Styles is to consider them buffs that you get by using a particular combat Ability group. Each Style gives bonuses to different Attributes, such as accuracy, damage, or defense.
The eight Styles are:
Self Defense (Default low-level Style)
Kung Fu
Sub-Machine Gun
HackerYou activate your Style the same way you activate any Ability. Double click the Ability icon in the Actions panel or click the Ability from your hotbar to activate the Style.
Do we have to manually select a Style every time we go into combat'
No. While you have the option to change your Style whenever you want, once you've selected the Style, it remains in effect outside of combat. Also, activating an Ability associated with a Style automatically switches to that Style.
Why did my active combat Style switch'
Whenever you activate an Ability that falls under a particular Style, your current Style will change. For example, if you're using the Karate Style and activate Cheap Shot, your active Style will change to Self Defense. If you follow up with Pistol Barrage, your Style will change to Pistol.
Make sure you keep an eye on what Style is active; if you are using a ranged Style and fighting with your hands, you will not be as effective as you could be.
Are Enhanced items going to have to be replaced under CR2.0' Will we need to re-collect the Collector/Dungeon/Archive items'
While Enhanced items have to be changed, those changes are going directly on the objects in the game. That means, when the item is changed for CR2.0, you'll see the Attributes of your items change.
While there may be a few special cases, so far all Enhanced items will change in this way'you don't have to re-Code or collect them.
If I have item codes with charges left, what will happen after CR2.0 goes live' Are they useless then'
The current recipes and item codes you have will automatically be pointed to the changed objects. They will generate the CR2.0 compliant items.
Will we need to re-tag nodes and hardlines'
No. Nodes and hardlines that you have already tagged in the game will remain that way.
Fate una bella abbuffata nella sezione dev:
Ciao ci si vede sul QA
Via con le notizie ufficiali:
Where can I see the numbers I'm 'rolling' during combat'
While the mid-screen display of your combat numbers has been removed, you can still see your and your opponent's 'rolls' in the chat log.
Can I still use the WASD keys to select combat tactics'
No, the WASD keys are now for movement only. However, since combat tactics have been added to the hotbar, you can use the associated hotbar keys to select your current tactic, along with Abilities and Special Attacks.
How do I use Melee Free Attacks'
Your Melee Free Attacks work just like Ranged Free Attacks; you select a Melee Style from the Free Attack dropdown to use a Melee Free Attack or a ranged weaThe Matrix: Path of Neoto use a Ranged Free Attack.
To use a Melee Free Attack:
Select a Melee Style in your Free Attack dropdown list (far right of the hotbar, mapped to the '=' key).
Move within 2 meters of your target.
Click the Free Attack button on the hotbar or press '=' on the keyboard.
What is a combat Style'
The easiest way to understand combat Styles is to consider them buffs that you get by using a particular combat Ability group. Each Style gives bonuses to different Attributes, such as accuracy, damage, or defense.
The eight Styles are:
Self Defense (Default low-level Style)
Kung Fu
Sub-Machine Gun
You activate your Style the same way you activate any Ability. Double click the Ability icon in the Actions panel or click the Ability from your hotbar to activate the Style.
Do we have to manually select a Style every time we go into combat'
No. While you have the option to change your Style whenever you want, once you've selected the Style, it remains in effect outside of combat. Also, activating an Ability associated with a Style automatically switches to that Style.
Why did my active combat Style switch'
Whenever you activate an Ability that falls under a particular Style, your current Style will change. For example, if you're using the Karate Style and activate Cheap Shot, your active Style will change to Self Defense. If you follow up with Pistol Barrage, your Style will change to Pistol.
Make sure you keep an eye on what Style is active; if you are using a ranged Style and fighting with your hands, you will not be as effective as you could be.
Are Enhanced items going to have to be replaced under CR2.0' Will we need to re-collect the Collector/Dungeon/Archive items'
While Enhanced items have to be changed, those changes are going directly on the objects in the game. That means, when the item is changed for CR2.0, you'll see the Attributes of your items change.
While there may be a few special cases, so far all Enhanced items will change in this way'you don't have to re-Code or collect them.
If I have item codes with charges left, what will happen after CR2.0 goes live' Are they useless then'
The current recipes and item codes you have will automatically be pointed to the changed objects. They will generate the CR2.0 compliant items.
Will we need to re-tag nodes and hardlines'
No. Nodes and hardlines that you have already tagged in the game will remain that way.
Fate una bella abbuffata nella sezione dev:
Ciao ci si vede sul QA