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WhatIsTheMatrix.IT – Il Sito Italiano su Matrix

WhatIsTheMatrix.IT – Il Sito Italiano su Matrix

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matrix deconstructed

Hello Matrix fans,

I would like to point out that my web pages are online at http://www.matrix-deconstructed.com.

Who needs yet another Matrix site and who needs it now'

These questions are valid, but nevertheless I believe that it is worth it to take a look, since:

- I promise a completely new perspective on the Matrix trilogy.
- More than 1000 screen-shot comparisons make it possible to get a first impression of my interole-playerretation without having to read a word.
- Theory fans can study about 20 chapters which develop the theory behind the image comparisons.


Ma è stato autorizzato' :agent:

E comunque, viene a pubblicizzare un sito matrixiano su :witm:, la patria di Matrix' :ommioddio:

ahi ahi ahi...

Chiudo questo topic e lo riporto in quello dell'Effetto Loop che mi sembra molto più adatto, ossia qui: http://www.whatisthematrix.it/postp96395.html#96395

All "Matrix" related material is property of Village Roadshow Film Ltd. and Warner Bros. - a Time Warner Entertainment company
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