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Nuovo Update

Si mi riferivo appunto al tempo, comunque tanto per un'ulteriore conferma se per caso ce ne fosse bisogno ma non credo, ieri l'ho completata e si, il bug che diceva Konte non c'è più :mrgreen:

Nuovo update 38

La nuova patch che sarà disponibile da lunedì 21 o martedì 22 includerà sia la 37,5 che la 38, tra le novità Walrus parla di un nuovo addition chiamato Massive in-game adoveertising:


An exciting new addition is coming to the world of The Matrix Online. As part of Update 38 we will be introducing Massive in-game adoveertising to The Matrix Online. For long-time community members and those of you who play Planetside, it will be a familiar part of the game.

Real-world adoveertisements will begin appearing on billboards around the Mega City after Update 38 goes live. Just like real-world billboards, they'll change to feature new adoveertisements over time. (Don't worry: Your favorite ads for Slumberil, The Sentinel, etc., will remain a part of the game). These static adoveertisements will not affect game performance in any way.

The inclusion of Massive in-game adoveertising opens up the possibility of something many community members have been asching for: player adoveertising around Mega City. We will be looching into the idea of running contests for selecting player-generated ads in the future as a way of incorole-playerorating these ads into the game. Once we have confirmed we can do this, we will make an announcement on Data Node One. Stay tuned and we will keep you updated on our progress over the next few weeks.

Questo systema già adottato in altri giochi SOE, come per esempio Planetside, consiste nella possibilità di inviare, in tempo reale, dei messaggi su dei cartelloni o delle insegne apposite, ovviamente posti in in questo caso in giro per Megacity, in un primo momento saranno usati solo dai dev ma Walrus dice che probabilmente verrranno selezionati anche dei players abilitati tramite un contest un concorso. Questi messaggi pubblici non sostituiranno il sentinel e a detta di W. non creeranno rallentamenti in game.

Non ho trovato per il momento altri dettagli confermati sulla nuova patch.

HYPER-LOL! guardate cosa titola gamespot per comunicare il nuovo update di MxO

"More real-world products to be adoveertised in virtual world based on real-world movie that suggests real world is really virtual"

è bellissimo http://www.gamespot.com/pc/role-playerg/The Matrix Online/news.html'sid=6140044



The Matrix Online Story Continues in Episode 3.2!
The 3.2 Storyline missions and cinematic are now available in game.

Slums/Barrens Content Reflow

Slums (Richland) and Barrens (Westview) neighborhood gangs have been rescaled. General progression in the Slums is now lower levels in the north to higher levels in the south. General progression in the Barrens is now lower levels in the south to higher levels in the north.
Slums and Barrens Exile Hideouts have been rescaled to match the new levels of NPCs in their neighborhoods. Hideout-boss loot has also been rescaled appropriately.
Collectors have been added near the main Uriah Industrial hardline. These Collectors lead new players through a series of game objectives to help them learn the ins and outs of being a redpill.
New players will now begin with only the main Uriah Industrial hardline instead of the standard group.

In-Game Email Now Available
Players are now able to email messages to players on any world in the game. Tradable items an $Information can be sent to other players on the same world. At this time, players will not be able to send messages to players in other SOE games.

In-Game Adoveertizing Introduced
Massive in-game adoveertizing has been added to The Matrix Online. Players will now see real-world adoveertisements on billboards around the Mega City.

Changes and Improvements

Made improvements to low-resolution versions of several Inventory icons.
A new SOE splash screen has been added to the intro movie.
With the threat from the Assassin ended, Kill-Codes have degraded and are no longer usable.
Locks, computers, and other devices that can be disabled using Abilities now include timers of varying lengths. Using Abilities to disable these devices will result in XP for players.
Interior building guardie have been removed from the Slums.
Ambush mob that spawns in the "For Tat" mission is now a more appropriate level for the player taching the mission.
Escort NPC in "For a Few Discs More" is now higher-level so it doesn't get pwned all the time.
Escort NPC in "Window Dressing" is now higher-level so it doesn't get pasted by attackers immediately.
Escort NPC in "Sending a Message" is now higher-level instead of being a complete noob.
Escort NPC in "A Second Try" is now higher-level so it doesn't get completely ganked.
Escort NPC in "A Safe Place" is now higher-level instead of being a useless collection of bits.
Escort NPC in "Model Citizen" is now higher-level so you don't have to completely babysit it throughout the mission.
Escort NPC in "Just a Few Questions" is now higher-level because it felt left out after all the rest got leveled.
Mission teams with an average team level above 24 will now have appropriate level opponent NPC spawning for the mission Play Dead from the neighborhood Contact Mr. Bishop.
All open UI panels now close when entering the Loading Area.

Bug Fixes

Players who die while using Escape and Evasion will now become visible.
Bug preventing players from using some low-level Abilities while under the Death Effect has been fixed.
Elevator doors now actually open to show that you can walk through them.
Bluepill NPCs have finally figured out that it's "Rodgers Way" instead of "Ridge Way".
Activity Facilitator consumables can no longer be exploited to gain permanent immunities.
Code bit autostacching now works properly. (Again).
Antibiotics and Negative Condition Sweeps no longer remove the temporary Interlock immunity granted by Withdraw.
Mission contact Digger is giving out missions again.
Bug preventing some players from creating mission teams due to name filtering has been fixed.
Your jump no longer exceeds the limits of the Matrix.


LA NUOVA PATCH SARA' DISPONIBILE DA MARTEDì PROSSIMO, entro martedì vedrò di fare una traduzione per spiegare tutte le novità per il momento mi limito alle 3 più importanti:

La storyline continua con l'evento numero 3.2 che sarà introdotto come sempre da un nuovo video e da delle nuove missioni critical

In-Game Adoveertizing
Questo systema già adottato in altri giochi SOE, come per esempio Planetside, consiste nella possibilità di inviare, in tempo reale, dei messaggi su dei cartelloni o delle insegne apposite, ovviamente posti in in questo caso in giro per Megacity, in un primo momento saranno usati solo dai dev ma Walrus dice che probabilmente verrranno selezionati anche dei players abilitati tramite un contest un concorso. Questi messaggi pubblici non sostituiranno il sentinel e a detta di W. non creeranno rallentamenti in game.

In-Game Email
Sistema di email interno che sarà integrato all'attuale systema di chat, consentirà di lasciare messaggi ai players del nostro server che non sono momentaneamente in linea e sarà anche possibile allegare al messaggio sia info che item


Confermato update per oggi dalle 14:00, i server saranno giù per circa 2 ore.

The servers will be unavailable beginning at 4:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time (1200 hours GMT) on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 for implementation of Update 38. The maintenance period will last approximately 2 hours.

Buona patch a tutti :mrgreen:

Inoltre Walrus ci da delle indicazioni sull'uso del nuovo systema email:

Accessing Email
How you access in-game email depends on whether you are jacked in or in the Loading Area.

If yoùre jacked in, click the button on the right of your compass and select Email. From the Loading Area, click the Email icon (envelope) on the upper right corner of the screen. The Email interface will open and you can read or compose email from there.

Note: While your email screen is open, other windows will be inactive. The only window that has any functionality while the email screen is open is your Inventory.

When you open the Email window while jacked in, all other windows will be closed automatically.

Addressing Email
To address your email to a single player, just type that player's name in the To: line. Names are unique across all worlds, so you don't need to worry about adding the world name.

To address your email to multiple players, type in the first name followed by a semicolon ( ; ), followed by the next name, and so on.

Note: At this time, email is not enabled between The Matrix Online and other SOE games.

Emailing Items or $Information
While yoùre jacked in, you may only transfer items or $Information if you are near a hardline, although you can send email messages without attachments from anywhere in the Mega City. You can email both Items and $Info from the Loading Area.

The easiest way to email an item is to right-click the item from the Inventory screen and select Email this item. If you already have the Email interface open while jacked in, yoùll need to select the Inventory screen by clicching the button to the right of the compass and selecting Inventory from the menu. (The Inventory hotkey won't work while the email screen is open).

Sending items and $Information costs an additional amount of $Info that is based on the value of what you are sending. The cost of sending the item or $Information is displayed at the bottom of the Email screen.

Note: There is a known issue with trying to email items from your Code Archive. At this time, you can select items from your Code Archive to send, but the item won't be removed from the Code Archive, it won't be delivered to the recipient, and you won't be charged the cost displayed in the Email window. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch.


Si possono spedire email sia dalla loadin area che da Megacity, se spedite un'email dalla loading area potete allegare al messaggio sia info che item (oggetti,vestiti,ecc.)., se spedite un messaggio da Megacity mentre siete jack in e volete allegare qualcosa dovete essere per forza vicini ad una cabina altrimenti potrete inviare solo il messagio ma non allegare qualcosa.
Quando selezionate l'email cliccando sul bottone in basso alla destra della bussola sul disegno della posta si apre una finestra apposita e si chiuderanno tutte le altre aperte, non potrete cliccare su nessun altra finestra apparte quella della email e dell'inventario, per allegare qualcosa dall'inventario basta selezionare l'oggetto e cliccare col destro e scegliere send item, quando inviate una email con allegao dovete pagare un costo in info, il costo varia a seconda di quanta roba dovete spedire e viene indicato di volta in volta.
Non esiste una rubrica dei nomi quindi dovrete inserire il nome del destinatario a mano tutte le volte, se volete mandarlo a più destinatari mettete il punto e virgola tra un nome e l'altro come nelle normali email.
Esiste già un bug conosciuto, se selezionate un item dal vostro Code Archive potete selezionare il send ma l'item non verrà tolto dall'archivio non verrà allegato e non verra indicato il costo del messaggio. 😯

il costo verrà indicato , ma in pratica sarà zero, insomma per il momento mandare roba dall'archivio è inutile, spostate prima nell'inventario

il costo verrà indicato , ma in pratica sarà zero, insomma per il momento mandare roba dall'archivio è inutile, spostate prima nell'inventario

Si infatti mi fa un pò ridere questa descrizione di Walrus.........faceva prima a scrivere dalla loading anche se vi lascia selezionare gli items da spedire non funziona :mrgreen: :mrgreen: , quindi se volete mandare messaggi con allegati potete farlo solo da Megacityse siete vicino ad una cabina 🙄

ho riletto attentamente le patch notes, wow mi è venuta voglia di fare un pg nuovo ^_^ avevo già intenzione da tempo di fare due pg-puppet su syntax per fare le missioni critiche del merovingio e delle macchine 😛

Per quanto riguardo sto nuovo update dico solo DUE cose... DOVE SONO LE MIE HARDLINE'''' e..LA MIA HOTBAR!!..sto incominciando a odiare la soe 👿 👿 👿 👿 ma nn voglio fare spoiler..perciò sto zitta :muto:

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