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Superman Returns
Cita da neve su 22 Dicembre 2005, 1:38Superman Returns è in lavorazione e come è ormai divenuta consuetudine è in lavorazione anche il relativo videogioco per Ps2, riguardo al quale ancora poco si sa eccetto qualche immagine e il fatto che il game non seguirà strettamente gli eventi del film.
Riguardo al film invece mi vien da notare un cosa che inizialmente mi era sfuggita, la coppia Kevin Spacey/Bryan Singer vide la realizzazione di un capolavoro quale 'I soliti sospetti'se tanto mi da tanto'
Superman Returns è in lavorazione e come è ormai divenuta consuetudine è in lavorazione anche il relativo videogioco per Ps2, riguardo al quale ancora poco si sa eccetto qualche immagine e il fatto che il game non seguirà strettamente gli eventi del film.
Riguardo al film invece mi vien da notare un cosa che inizialmente mi era sfuggita, la coppia Kevin Spacey/Bryan Singer vide la realizzazione di un capolavoro quale 'I soliti sospetti'se tanto mi da tanto'
Cita da ilcucchiaiononesiste su 22 Dicembre 2005, 14:52si ho letto qll articolo visto che compro ciak tutti i mesi!! ma la cosa non mi entusiasma molto....ottima però la scelta di kent...almeno penso
si ho letto qll articolo visto che compro ciak tutti i mesi!! ma la cosa non mi entusiasma molto....ottima però la scelta di kent...almeno penso
Cita da Keanu su 15 Febbraio 2006, 12:47Spostata la data di uscita: dal 30 giàgno si passa al 1 settembre.
Spostata la data di uscita: dal 30 giàgno si passa al 1 settembre.
Cita da Saska su 15 Febbraio 2006, 21:35Spostata la data di uscita: dal 30 giàgno si passa al 1 settembre.
Nei ultimi mesi questi studios hano accuisito l'abitudine di spostare le date della uscita molto dopo... chi sa` perche lo fanno'
Spostata la data di uscita: dal 30 giàgno si passa al 1 settembre.
Nei ultimi mesi questi studios hano accuisito l'abitudine di spostare le date della uscita molto dopo... chi sa` perche lo fanno'
Cita da Keanu su 15 Febbraio 2006, 22:03Credo semplicemente per evitare concomitanze pericolose.. le case cinematografiche si metteranno anche d'accordo, eh..
Credo semplicemente per evitare concomitanze pericolose.. le case cinematografiche si metteranno anche d'accordo, eh..
Cita da Zeroconstantine su 16 Febbraio 2006, 20:34si ho letto qll articolo visto che compro ciak tutti i mesi!! ma la cosa non mi entusiasma molto....ottima però la scelta di kent...almeno penso
bè a quanto sò io la scrlta di kent più che ottima sapevo che era dovuta tra quelli che si sono presentati alla richiesta online..
x il resto sapevo che si erano scontrati problemi per un certo pacco troppo evidente..
x ultimo ormai che c'erano ci potevano mettere il protagonista di smallville
si ho letto qll articolo visto che compro ciak tutti i mesi!! ma la cosa non mi entusiasma molto....ottima però la scelta di kent...almeno penso
bè a quanto sò io la scrlta di kent più che ottima sapevo che era dovuta tra quelli che si sono presentati alla richiesta online..
x il resto sapevo che si erano scontrati problemi per un certo pacco troppo evidente..
x ultimo ormai che c'erano ci potevano mettere il protagonista di smallville
Cita da Jedifil su 17 Marzo 2006, 9:40LA DESCRIZIONE DEL TRAILER!!!
Su Ain't it Cool News, parla l'ottimo Quint:
Quint sees SUPERMAN RETURNS footage at ShoWest!
Full rundown here!!!
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here typing away in the lobby of the Paris Hotel and Casino. I have just returned from the luxurious green room (believe me, they didn't want me there, but WB already had me scheduled) where I interviewed Brandon Routh. Routh is a huge guy, by the way. Hès not bulky, but hès tall (I'm right at 6 foot and Routh was at least 3 or 4 inches taller than me).
But all that's a story for another day. Right now I'm going to tell you about what I saw right beforehand at the big WB panel regarding SUPERMAN RETURNS.
This was actually 2nd up of the 4 presentations they had, but not only is SUPERMAN the one with the most fan interest, but it was also my favorite presentation of the day.
SUPERMAN geeks will freak out when they see this. I am so psyched for this movie after seeing this footage. It makes the Comic-Con presentation look like a Merchant/Ivory film. Let's get to the footage description.
Everything opened with a breathtaching model shot of that familiar and gorgeous crystal space ship floating through the blackness of space. We then see it maneuvering through debris, charred and blackened. The crystal ship has a bright beam shooting out from the front, searching through the debris. Marlon Brandòs voice is over all this: "You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you, even in the face of our deaths. You will see my life through your eyes as your life will be seen through mine." Nice, eh'
We then saw a lot from the first trailer, footage of Superman's return to the farm. This was inter-cut with new scenes... his arrival shaching the Kent farm, Scrabble pieces jittering and falling off the table, one piece onto the floor next to a dog (Krypto' heh... no cape and doggie outfit..)., as Ma Kent looks around nervously, a bright light illuminating the night outside the chitchen window as Kal-El's ship flies over. There was more stuff with young Clark, growing up. Clark putting on his glasses with Ma Kent's voice over: "Your father used to say that you were put here for a reason... You know, the world could always use more good reporters..."
Then we cut to Routh in his Clark Kent get-up, standing Metropolis, with the Superman theme blaring in glorious trumpets. I might get a few things jumbled up here, but there was a simple shot that gave me goosebumps... Street level Metropolis as people look up at Superman flying above the street, down the avenue, framed by skyscrapers on all sides. What made me geek out at this shot was the Superman they were looching at looked photoreal. It could have been a stunt dude on a rig, I guess, but he flew all the way down the street, cape flapping.
Therès lots of stuff within the Daily Planet. Frank Langella yelling out, "I want to know it all. Olsen, I want to see photos of him everywhere!" Cuts to Jimmy snapping pics on the street and banks of TVs in window shops with Superman on each. Langella voice over: "Does he still stand for truth, justice... all that stuff'" Then quietly, "Superman returns..."
Clark is then reunited with Lois and meets her child. "Clark! Hey! Welcome back! I see yoùve met the munchchin." A puzzled Clark looks down and says, "Hello!" By the bye, Routh was totally channeling Christopher Reeve in voice, body posture, etc.
Clark talching with Jimmy Olsen... Olsen says, "Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy." Clark: "Wait... shès married'" Olsen: "It's more like a prolonged engagement." Then footage of Clark meeting James Marsden, who comes off as a really nice guy. As hès shaching Clark's hand, "It's great to finally meet yà. I've heard so much." We also see footage of Clark holding a framed picture of Lois, Marsden and the chid. He looks pained and suddenly the glass in the frame cracks. Olsen's voice: "But if you ask me, shès still in love with you-know-who."
Back to Langella. "Lois, three things sell newspapers. Tragedy, sex and Superman." Olsen: "Why don't you guys track down Lex Luthor'" Langella: "Luther's yesterday's news."
Cut to big menacing horns as, in close up, Luther (in shadow) is revealed... as doors part in front of him, like elevator type doors. "I don't think so."
Then we see footage of Lex and a team of trained SWAT loochin' dudes in the Antarctic. Then we see Lex actually inside the fortress of solitude, looching around with respect. "This is where he learned who he was. This is where he came for guidance." Another great shot here has Lex standing there, looching at Brandòs Jor-El on an icy wall. "Tell me everything."
Then therès that shot that's been out forever of Luthor holding up a crystal like the one Clark used to build the Fortress of Solitude. "To think that one could create a new world with such a simple little object."
Next bit has Lois Lane, her chid and Lex in a place that looked like the lobby of the Daily Planet. Lois is surole-playerrised and says Lex's name. The chid looks at Lex, imposing as he is, and says, "Yoùre bald." Lex looks ups with a humorless smirk on his face and says to Lois, "Cute chid... Come with me. Yoùre not gonna want to miss this."
Cut to Clark seeing something is wrong with Jimmy. Jimmy tells him that Lois and Jason (I think) are missing. It was around here that Clark enters an elevator and as the doors are closing he does the infamous shirt opening/reveal of the Superman logo as he looks up and flies straight up, presumably through the roof of the elevator. The next shot had him flying up the long elevator shaft, shedding his Clark Kent clothes as he flies.
The next bit had Lois and Luthor talching again. We don't see them, but we see other footage. Lex: "I have adoveanced technology thousands of years beyond what anyone can throw at me." Cut to a nasty looching missile with tons of shard-like things coming out of it. Lois: "But millions of people will die!" Lex, a little manic: "Billions!"
It was around here that we see Lex out in front of the Daily Planet with debris and shit falling all around the street and the steps up to the lobby. It was also around this time we see Lex's henchmen causing havoc and mass destruction. There was a chubby dude sitting in the controlling seat of this giant chaingun, taching out cop cars. That cut to this guy sitting in the seat on the top of a building as Superman walks calmly towards him. Hès spraying Supes with the chain-gun fire... hundreds of rounds a second, all bouncing off of Superman's chest as he walks towards the man.
Back to Lois. This part had a little of Spacey playing Lex very campy, but he topped it off with something genuinely chilling, that made the camp actually work as a sort of underline to his dementia. Lex: "C'mon. Let me hear you say it... Just once." His finger behind his ear, pushing it forward. Lois: "Yoùre insane." Lex: "NO! Not that..." he laughs. "Not that, the other thing." Lois: "Superman will ne..." Lex: "WRONG!!!" When he screams 'wrong', hès literally towering over Lois, sitting in a chair with her son in her lap, the crazy in his eyes flaring.
Then we see the biggie. Superman trailing a plane with engines smoching. He rips off one of the planès wings, sending it flying back. The plane goes into a nose dive and Supes charges after it, smoke trails surrounding him as he and the plane are both pointed towards the earth. The shot is the classic Superman shot, with Supes dead center and the camera looching as if it's placed on his back, showing his shoulders up. Keep in mind wère pointed down.
The other wing of the plane rips off and flies right at Superman, which is also us at this point. It rushes up and right as it hits Superman the screen cut to black. The fanfare still going, the title comes up.
There was a little comedic bit at the end with Jimmy, Lois and Perry White leaning down looching right into camera as they're looching at a photo Jimmy shot. Perry: "What you got, Olsen'" We see the pic, taken straight up with a little spec in the sky between the skyscrapers. "Look, in the sky, Chief." Lois: "It's a bird." Perry: "It's a plane." Jimmy: "No, look it's..." Then Clark interrupts, sticching his head in. "You wanted to see me'"
I told you the footage made got my geek pride up. I am floored by what I saw and am foaming at the mouth to see this movie. Routh looks like he nailed both Superman and Clark (not in that way, sickos). I never once stopped during this footage and thought, "You know... that S symbol is too small... and that capès not the right shade of red," like I did with the first still that came out. I was watching Superman being Superman.Great stuff. Keep a look out for my other articles about HAPPY FEET, POSEIDON and LADY IN THE WATER.
Su Ain't it Cool News, parla l'ottimo Quint:
Quint sees SUPERMAN RETURNS footage at ShoWest!
Full rundown here!!!
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here typing away in the lobby of the Paris Hotel and Casino. I have just returned from the luxurious green room (believe me, they didn't want me there, but WB already had me scheduled) where I interviewed Brandon Routh. Routh is a huge guy, by the way. Hès not bulky, but hès tall (I'm right at 6 foot and Routh was at least 3 or 4 inches taller than me).
But all that's a story for another day. Right now I'm going to tell you about what I saw right beforehand at the big WB panel regarding SUPERMAN RETURNS.
This was actually 2nd up of the 4 presentations they had, but not only is SUPERMAN the one with the most fan interest, but it was also my favorite presentation of the day.
SUPERMAN geeks will freak out when they see this. I am so psyched for this movie after seeing this footage. It makes the Comic-Con presentation look like a Merchant/Ivory film. Let's get to the footage description.
Everything opened with a breathtaching model shot of that familiar and gorgeous crystal space ship floating through the blackness of space. We then see it maneuvering through debris, charred and blackened. The crystal ship has a bright beam shooting out from the front, searching through the debris. Marlon Brandòs voice is over all this: "You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you, even in the face of our deaths. You will see my life through your eyes as your life will be seen through mine." Nice, eh'
We then saw a lot from the first trailer, footage of Superman's return to the farm. This was inter-cut with new scenes... his arrival shaching the Kent farm, Scrabble pieces jittering and falling off the table, one piece onto the floor next to a dog (Krypto' heh... no cape and doggie outfit..)., as Ma Kent looks around nervously, a bright light illuminating the night outside the chitchen window as Kal-El's ship flies over. There was more stuff with young Clark, growing up. Clark putting on his glasses with Ma Kent's voice over: "Your father used to say that you were put here for a reason... You know, the world could always use more good reporters..."
Then we cut to Routh in his Clark Kent get-up, standing Metropolis, with the Superman theme blaring in glorious trumpets. I might get a few things jumbled up here, but there was a simple shot that gave me goosebumps... Street level Metropolis as people look up at Superman flying above the street, down the avenue, framed by skyscrapers on all sides. What made me geek out at this shot was the Superman they were looching at looked photoreal. It could have been a stunt dude on a rig, I guess, but he flew all the way down the street, cape flapping.
Therès lots of stuff within the Daily Planet. Frank Langella yelling out, "I want to know it all. Olsen, I want to see photos of him everywhere!" Cuts to Jimmy snapping pics on the street and banks of TVs in window shops with Superman on each. Langella voice over: "Does he still stand for truth, justice... all that stuff'" Then quietly, "Superman returns..."
Clark is then reunited with Lois and meets her child. "Clark! Hey! Welcome back! I see yoùve met the munchchin." A puzzled Clark looks down and says, "Hello!" By the bye, Routh was totally channeling Christopher Reeve in voice, body posture, etc.
Clark talching with Jimmy Olsen... Olsen says, "Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy." Clark: "Wait... shès married'" Olsen: "It's more like a prolonged engagement." Then footage of Clark meeting James Marsden, who comes off as a really nice guy. As hès shaching Clark's hand, "It's great to finally meet yà. I've heard so much." We also see footage of Clark holding a framed picture of Lois, Marsden and the chid. He looks pained and suddenly the glass in the frame cracks. Olsen's voice: "But if you ask me, shès still in love with you-know-who."
Back to Langella. "Lois, three things sell newspapers. Tragedy, sex and Superman." Olsen: "Why don't you guys track down Lex Luthor'" Langella: "Luther's yesterday's news."
Cut to big menacing horns as, in close up, Luther (in shadow) is revealed... as doors part in front of him, like elevator type doors. "I don't think so."
Then we see footage of Lex and a team of trained SWAT loochin' dudes in the Antarctic. Then we see Lex actually inside the fortress of solitude, looching around with respect. "This is where he learned who he was. This is where he came for guidance." Another great shot here has Lex standing there, looching at Brandòs Jor-El on an icy wall. "Tell me everything."
Then therès that shot that's been out forever of Luthor holding up a crystal like the one Clark used to build the Fortress of Solitude. "To think that one could create a new world with such a simple little object."
Next bit has Lois Lane, her chid and Lex in a place that looked like the lobby of the Daily Planet. Lois is surole-playerrised and says Lex's name. The chid looks at Lex, imposing as he is, and says, "Yoùre bald." Lex looks ups with a humorless smirk on his face and says to Lois, "Cute chid... Come with me. Yoùre not gonna want to miss this."
Cut to Clark seeing something is wrong with Jimmy. Jimmy tells him that Lois and Jason (I think) are missing. It was around here that Clark enters an elevator and as the doors are closing he does the infamous shirt opening/reveal of the Superman logo as he looks up and flies straight up, presumably through the roof of the elevator. The next shot had him flying up the long elevator shaft, shedding his Clark Kent clothes as he flies.
The next bit had Lois and Luthor talching again. We don't see them, but we see other footage. Lex: "I have adoveanced technology thousands of years beyond what anyone can throw at me." Cut to a nasty looching missile with tons of shard-like things coming out of it. Lois: "But millions of people will die!" Lex, a little manic: "Billions!"
It was around here that we see Lex out in front of the Daily Planet with debris and shit falling all around the street and the steps up to the lobby. It was also around this time we see Lex's henchmen causing havoc and mass destruction. There was a chubby dude sitting in the controlling seat of this giant chaingun, taching out cop cars. That cut to this guy sitting in the seat on the top of a building as Superman walks calmly towards him. Hès spraying Supes with the chain-gun fire... hundreds of rounds a second, all bouncing off of Superman's chest as he walks towards the man.
Back to Lois. This part had a little of Spacey playing Lex very campy, but he topped it off with something genuinely chilling, that made the camp actually work as a sort of underline to his dementia. Lex: "C'mon. Let me hear you say it... Just once." His finger behind his ear, pushing it forward. Lois: "Yoùre insane." Lex: "NO! Not that..." he laughs. "Not that, the other thing." Lois: "Superman will ne..." Lex: "WRONG!!!" When he screams 'wrong', hès literally towering over Lois, sitting in a chair with her son in her lap, the crazy in his eyes flaring.
Then we see the biggie. Superman trailing a plane with engines smoching. He rips off one of the planès wings, sending it flying back. The plane goes into a nose dive and Supes charges after it, smoke trails surrounding him as he and the plane are both pointed towards the earth. The shot is the classic Superman shot, with Supes dead center and the camera looching as if it's placed on his back, showing his shoulders up. Keep in mind wère pointed down.
The other wing of the plane rips off and flies right at Superman, which is also us at this point. It rushes up and right as it hits Superman the screen cut to black. The fanfare still going, the title comes up.
There was a little comedic bit at the end with Jimmy, Lois and Perry White leaning down looching right into camera as they're looching at a photo Jimmy shot. Perry: "What you got, Olsen'" We see the pic, taken straight up with a little spec in the sky between the skyscrapers. "Look, in the sky, Chief." Lois: "It's a bird." Perry: "It's a plane." Jimmy: "No, look it's..." Then Clark interrupts, sticching his head in. "You wanted to see me'"
I told you the footage made got my geek pride up. I am floored by what I saw and am foaming at the mouth to see this movie. Routh looks like he nailed both Superman and Clark (not in that way, sickos). I never once stopped during this footage and thought, "You know... that S symbol is too small... and that capès not the right shade of red," like I did with the first still that came out. I was watching Superman being Superman.
Great stuff. Keep a look out for my other articles about HAPPY FEET, POSEIDON and LADY IN THE WATER.
Cita da Jedifil su 17 Marzo 2006, 9:41Commenti e descrizioni del trailer da parte di Quint che MI HANNO FATTO MORIRE!!!!!
[b:6897f67a76][i:6897f67a76]Routh is a huge guy, by the way. Hès not bulky, but hès tall (I'm right at 6 foot and Routh was at least 3 or 4 inches taller than me).
SUPERMAN geeks will freak out when they see this. I am so psyched for this movie after seeing this footage. It makes the Comic-Con presentation look like a Merchant/Ivory film. [/i:6897f67a76]
Everything opened with a breathtaching model shot of that familiar and gorgeous crystal space ship floating through the blackness of space' Marlon Brandòs voice is over all this: "You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you, even in the face of our deaths. You will see my life through your eyes as your life will be seen through mine." Nice, eh'
Clark putting on his glasses with Ma Kent's voice over: "Your father used to say that you were put here for a reason... You know, the world could always use more good reporters..."
'The Superman theme blaring in glorious trumpets. I might get a few things jumbled up here, but there was a simple shot that gave me goosebumps... Street level Metropolis as people look up at Superman flying above the street, down the avenue, framed by skyscrapers on all sides. What made me geek out at this shot was the Superman they were looching at looked photoreal. It could have been a stunt dude on a rig, I guess, but he flew all the way down the street, cape flapping.
Routh was totally channeling Christopher Reeve in voice, body posture, etc.
We also see footage of Clark holding a framed picture of Lois, Marsden and the chid. He looks pained and suddenly the glass in the frame cracks. Olsen's voice: "But if you ask me, shès still in love with you-know-who."
Back to Langella. "Lois, three things sell newspapers. Tragedy, sex and Superman." Olsen: "Why don't you guys track down Lex Luthor'" Langella: "Luther's yesterday's news."
Cut to big menacing horns as, in close up, Luther (in shadow) is revealed... as doors part in front of him, like elevator type doors. "I don't think so."Then we see Lex actually inside the Fortress of Solitude, looching around with respect. "This is where he learned who he was. This is where he came for guidance." Another great shot here has Lex standing there, looching at Brandòs Jor-El on an icy wall. "Tell me everything."
It was around here that Clark enters an elevator and as the doors are closing he does the infamous shirt opening/reveal of the Superman logo as he looks up and flies straight up, presumably through the roof of the elevator. The next shot had him flying up the long elevator shaft, shedding his Clark Kent clothes as he flies.
Lex: "I have adoveanced technology thousands of years beyond what anyone can throw at me." Cut to a nasty looching missile with tons of shard-like things coming out of it. Lois: "But millions of people will die!" Lex, a little manic: "Billions!"
There was a little comedic bit at the end with Jimmy, Lois and Perry White leaning down looching right into camera as they're looching at a photo Jimmy shot. Perry: "What you got, Olsen'" We see the pic, taken straight up with a little spec in the sky between the skyscrapers. "Look, in the sky, Chief." Lois: "It's a bird." Perry: "It's a plane." Jimmy: "No, look it's..." Then Clark interrupts, sticching his head in. "You wanted to see me'"
I told you the footage made got my geek pride up. I am floored by what I saw and am foaming at the mouth to see this movie. Routh looks like he nailed both Superman and Clark (not in that way, sickos)' During this footage I was watching Superman being Superman.[/b:6897f67a76]
Commenti e descrizioni del trailer da parte di Quint che MI HANNO FATTO MORIRE!!!!!
[b:6897f67a76][i:6897f67a76]Routh is a huge guy, by the way. Hès not bulky, but hès tall (I'm right at 6 foot and Routh was at least 3 or 4 inches taller than me).
SUPERMAN geeks will freak out when they see this. I am so psyched for this movie after seeing this footage. It makes the Comic-Con presentation look like a Merchant/Ivory film. [/i:6897f67a76]
Everything opened with a breathtaching model shot of that familiar and gorgeous crystal space ship floating through the blackness of space' Marlon Brandòs voice is over all this: "You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you, even in the face of our deaths. You will see my life through your eyes as your life will be seen through mine." Nice, eh'
Clark putting on his glasses with Ma Kent's voice over: "Your father used to say that you were put here for a reason... You know, the world could always use more good reporters..."
'The Superman theme blaring in glorious trumpets. I might get a few things jumbled up here, but there was a simple shot that gave me goosebumps... Street level Metropolis as people look up at Superman flying above the street, down the avenue, framed by skyscrapers on all sides. What made me geek out at this shot was the Superman they were looching at looked photoreal. It could have been a stunt dude on a rig, I guess, but he flew all the way down the street, cape flapping.
Routh was totally channeling Christopher Reeve in voice, body posture, etc.
We also see footage of Clark holding a framed picture of Lois, Marsden and the chid. He looks pained and suddenly the glass in the frame cracks. Olsen's voice: "But if you ask me, shès still in love with you-know-who."
Back to Langella. "Lois, three things sell newspapers. Tragedy, sex and Superman." Olsen: "Why don't you guys track down Lex Luthor'" Langella: "Luther's yesterday's news."
Cut to big menacing horns as, in close up, Luther (in shadow) is revealed... as doors part in front of him, like elevator type doors. "I don't think so."
Then we see Lex actually inside the Fortress of Solitude, looching around with respect. "This is where he learned who he was. This is where he came for guidance." Another great shot here has Lex standing there, looching at Brandòs Jor-El on an icy wall. "Tell me everything."
It was around here that Clark enters an elevator and as the doors are closing he does the infamous shirt opening/reveal of the Superman logo as he looks up and flies straight up, presumably through the roof of the elevator. The next shot had him flying up the long elevator shaft, shedding his Clark Kent clothes as he flies.
Lex: "I have adoveanced technology thousands of years beyond what anyone can throw at me." Cut to a nasty looching missile with tons of shard-like things coming out of it. Lois: "But millions of people will die!" Lex, a little manic: "Billions!"
There was a little comedic bit at the end with Jimmy, Lois and Perry White leaning down looching right into camera as they're looching at a photo Jimmy shot. Perry: "What you got, Olsen'" We see the pic, taken straight up with a little spec in the sky between the skyscrapers. "Look, in the sky, Chief." Lois: "It's a bird." Perry: "It's a plane." Jimmy: "No, look it's..." Then Clark interrupts, sticching his head in. "You wanted to see me'"
I told you the footage made got my geek pride up. I am floored by what I saw and am foaming at the mouth to see this movie. Routh looks like he nailed both Superman and Clark (not in that way, sickos)' During this footage I was watching Superman being Superman.[/b:6897f67a76]
Cita da neve su 5 Maggio 2006, 23:36Ed ecco finalmente uscito il secondo fantastico trailer di Superman Returns:
Che dire...questo trailer mi gasa alla grande, è veramente ben fatto, sono strafelice che abbiano mantenuto la vecchia colonna sonora e come potete vedere ci sono effetti speciali da paura e vi dirò di più a mio avviso in questo film avremo il miglio Lex Luthor di tutti i tempi.
Ed ecco finalmente uscito il secondo fantastico trailer di Superman Returns:
Che dire...questo trailer mi gasa alla grande, è veramente ben fatto, sono strafelice che abbiano mantenuto la vecchia colonna sonora e come potete vedere ci sono effetti speciali da paura e vi dirò di più a mio avviso in questo film avremo il miglio Lex Luthor di tutti i tempi.
Cita da Jestas su 6 Maggio 2006, 2:11come sai non è mica detto che abbiano lasciato la vecchia colonna sonora, magari è solo per i trailer...
comunque mi sto scaricando la versione in alta risoluzione 🙂 poi vi dico
come sai non è mica detto che abbiano lasciato la vecchia colonna sonora, magari è solo per i trailer...
comunque mi sto scaricando la versione in alta risoluzione 🙂 poi vi dico