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The Matrix Online Producer's Letter - novità dalla SOE

In realtà non si tratta proprio di novità ma bensì di un feedback, il caro Andrew Kaplan fa il punto della situazione e sostanzialmente si dice soddisfatto del lavoro svolto e dichiara di essersi divertito molto in questi 4 ultimi mesi da quando ha iniziato ad occuparsi di Mxo.
Oltre ad elencare alcune novità in uscita già conosciute, come il nuovo systema di combattimento e le email che ci consentiranno anche di spedire soldi e oggetti come allegati, non menziona niente di nuovo in particolare. :'

The Matrix Online Producer's Letter ' November 2005- 11/03/2005

It's hard to believe that it's already been four months since the team made the move to SOE. It feels like just yesterday. Time 'flies' when you are having fun and getting things done! In just a few short months we have accomplished a lot:

Live Event:

The development team pulled together and performed a fantastic live event, 'Death of the Destroyer'. Just about everyone on the team participated in the planning, training, and performing. Even I got an opportunity to be an Assassin! It was a team effort all-the-way, I hope you had fun, I know we did.

Content Update:

Throughout our transition the story of the Matrix has not schipped a beat. We have delivered three compelling sub-chapters of story missions and cinematics to go with the final evento where Morole-playerheus' chiller met his match.

New content was delivered in the form of an entirely new feature, Pandora's Box. Players have been progressing through the series of linked missions and mini-events though few if any have been able to defeat the final encounter without a lot of help for fellow players!

There have also been ongoing tuning and re-balancing. We have adjusted the experience rewards for the introduction missions and for synchronizing hardlines, maching progress in the lower levels a bit easier and giving the explorers out there another reason to venture forth.

Coming soon we will update the content found in the Slums district. You will see all new NPC animations, pathing and interaction. Should make things a lot more interesting for the new players and explorers alike. Afterwards we will be taching what we have learned and adding new and exciting content for all level ranges.

Work progresses on the combat revision. Archon can speak to the details but I can tell you that the changes are going to be fantastic. We are taching out what's broken and enhancing what works, all great stuff.

Last but not least, long awaited and by popular demand, we will soon have support for in-game email. Including emailing items and $Info from player to player and from various game systems and events to players. This will open up a whole new avenue of content.


It's been a whirlwind of activity and we have a lot to show for it. We are continuing to produce new content and keep the story of the Matrix moving forward. There are some exciting new changes on the horizon so stay tuned and jack-in!


Andrew Kaplan

Producer, The Matrix Online

Sony Online Entertainment

una traduzione please :ok:

una traduzione please :ok:

Ho fatto una piccola traduzione sommaria all'inizio, se ci sono dei punti che vi interessano in particolare ditemelo. :mrgreen:

direi che c'è poco da agguingere rispetto a quanto hai già detto ed è stato detto in altri thread

una traduzione please :ok:

Ho fatto una piccola traduzione sommaria all'inizio, se ci sono dei punti che vi interessano in particolare ditemelo. :mrgreen:

Hm...diciamo TUTTO!! 😆 😆

Have fun :mrgreen:

All "Matrix" related material is property of Village Roadshow Film Ltd. and Warner Bros. - a Time Warner Entertainment company
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